REGISTRATION: Opens June 28th, 2024.
PHILOSOPHY: This is an Instructional League. All players are welcome. No score or standings will be kept. The 5 run rule will be used. Bat around used. It’s a great way to stay baseball ready and work on skills. All games are on Sunday afternoons.
WHERE: 5 - 12 year-olds: Fiore Fields
TEAM FORMATION: A limited number of teams will be available in each age group. Teams form quickly so applications will be accepted on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Teams may carry a roster of 10-12 players.
MANAGERS: When forming your teams, Managers may select up to 5 players. The balance of the team roster will come from individual player registrations. Anyone wishing to manage a team should check YES in the space below. Managers must submit the first and last names of their selected players with their Fall Ball Manager Application.